Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Vox Humana’s “Stratosphere”: A Deep Dive Review

The Vox Humana recording that I am referring to is ‘Stratosphere’ and the tour is really a rather extraordinary one that takes off from the classically sophisticated to the wildly shameless. The based band in Los Angeles uses guitar beeps, and muffled voices at the onset of a show to make an interesting first impression of a performance.  When played properly, the acoustic guitar contributes power to the piece score consequently, the whole build up of drive for the track changes from the ‘loud’ to ‘soft’ mode. The dynamics increases and decreases, showing the groups ability to craft catchy hooks which can really sink in. Interestingly enough, it shows that Vox Humana is quite capable of making beautiful works – one could only wish for more of this kind of music from the project. This is remain of their competitiveship, and they are the talented group in the modern rock movement.

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