Tuesday, December 31, 2024

LLO LLO’s “Quit While You’re Ahead” EP: An Anthem for Musical Exploration

LLO LLO and their “Quit While You’re Ahead” EP reveals a mix of alt-rock, power-pop and post-punk that makes it easy to dive into this band’s world. Starting with the titular “They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?” the build-up climax guitar pulses transform into a jangling mainstream catchy chorus despite layers of darkness. Also noteworthy, “Lush” is for splendid trickling guitars which grow into cheerful swaggering dispositions of bubbling pre-Nineties nostalgia; vocals soaring high, flitting over multiple tenors.  All in all, this EP confirms LLO LLO’s vocal range variety, which is attempting to unitize the 90s’ cute vibe and the 21 st century’s distinct sound, which is quite insightful.

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