Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Brother Language’s “Epley Maneuver”: A Deep Dive Review

With its “Epley Maneuver”, Brother Language offers the atmosphere of ‘90s rock with feelings of Brooklyn-based project Matt Bell. Opportune for a trial and their first singular from this upcoming album, it movingly captures the dramatic diagnosis of vertigo for a family member. The track begins with a simple drum and as the track continues, beautiful vocals sink in, the track proceeds to become enveloped in warm distortion. The kicking move up into the heavier-rock is reminiscing the bands like Ozma which captured the spirit of 90’s alt-rock.  There is a gap in meaning and intensity between the words ‘Epley Maneuver’ and the eventual music and lyrics which come together in a song that is emotionally appealing and timely in its message of wanting change for the better.

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